Wednesday, April 10, 2019

CYBERSMART: T1 Smart Learner

Moa reseach

We did the Moa because it has been extinct for a long time and our research was based on history of New Zealand

Monday, April 8, 2019

Raranga Matihiko

Raranga Matihiko
Kaupapa: Tōku Pepeha
Last Rāpare(Thursday the 4th of April)  Te Akomanga o Te Puna Wairua was making videos based on our digital Pepeha . A Pepeha is an explanation of who you are and where you come from .  In the videos we got to use Arai Kakariki (green screen) peita 3d (paint 3d) karetao(robots)ao mariko(virtual reality) Haakoritanga(stop motion) and tinkercad . The kaiako’s names were Whaea Waimiiria  and Whaea Stacey . The coolest thing was that all our mahi was 100% free!!!
I hope you like my Pepeha